What We Do

The Orange County Justice Fund (“OCJF”) is dedicated to generating support for transformative and effective legal representation for some of the most vulnerable members of the Orange County community.  In 2017, OCJF was created through a collaboration of attorneys, law professors, and grassroots leaders to ensure that no Orange County resident is forced to defend themself from deportation without an attorney, and to provide support so that those individuals eligible to be released from detention can do so without being financially devastated. 

Core Programs & Services

  1. Provide resources to bond out detained immigrants.
  2. Find and facilitate legal services for detained immigrants and refugees.
  3.  Advocate for systems change.
  4. Educate the OC community about immigrants and refugees and their rights.
  5. Empower base building within immigrant communities 
  6.  Connect immigrants to safety net resources.

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