What is Legal Empowerment?
“A global movement led by grassroots communities, where the law is democratized, and legal power is redistributed to those directly impacted by injustice. It creates opportunities for communities to know, use, shape, and transform law and systems that impact their lives.“

Discussion on Immigration-Related Legal Empowerment Alternatives in Orange County
Legal Empowerment in Orange County
More than 5 billion people are denied access to justice around the globe. They may be denied healthcare, a living wage, a pathway to citizenship, the right to seek asylum, a right to adequate housing, or equal treatment under the law.
This “justice gap” is especially pertinent to immigrants and refugees defending against deportation in immigration courts. Because immigration proceedings are civil matters, not criminal, persons facing deportation do not have the same constitutional protections as criminal defendants; most notably, they lack the right to government-appointed counsel. There are 11,818 Orange County residents defending against deportation at the Santa Ana Immigration Court. Over 40% of these cases do not have legal representation resulting in lower chances of these individuals successfully defending against deportation and remaining safe with loved ones in community.
Legal resources for low-income residents facing deportation are particularly scarce in Orange County, as researched by OCJF in the report, The State of Immigration Enforcement and Legal Services in Orange County – there are only two legal service providers, Public Law Center (state-funded), and Immigrant Defenders Law Center (Santa Ana-funded), who provide wide-ranging legal services to low-income adult residents facing detention and deportation. These funded service providers are often at capacity, resulting in OC residents facing deportation to find their own legal representation. Furthermore, those lacking financial resources to pay for private attorney representation have few places to turn to for legal help.
There are not enough attorneys, accredited representatives, and other qualified professionals to meet the legal needs of OC’s immigrant population. Legal empowerment offers an alternative framework to meet the needs of low-income residents facing deportation and generate change in US immigration legal system, by empowering individuals and communities to know, use, and shape the laws that affect their lives.
Globally, thousands of organizations engage in legal empowerment work. Learn more about other OC organizations engaging in legal empowerment strategies here.

OCJF Legal Empowerment Programming
*Pro Se is a term used for people who are advocating for themselves in court, without an attorney.
At pro se clinics, a team of non-attorney volunteers and individuals work together under the supervision of volunteer attorneys who provide free legal advice. OCJF provides no direct legal representation. We work with partner attorneys, our board attorneys, and partner organizations to organize these clinics.
Community education workshops embed right awareness with self-reflection and collective action. Our workshops translate laws into a language that the community can understand. Attendants leave with tangible resources and actionable next steps.
Upcoming OCJF Legal Empowerment Programs
August 2023
“How to Prepare for an Immigration Consultation”
- Learn about what to expect during your immigration consultation, which documents to bring, how to advocate for yourself and your rights as a client.
- Free Intake, Free FOIA USCIS request (if necessary), Free Background Check
- Multiple Dates – Irvine Residents Only
September 2023
“How to Prepare for an Immigration Consultation”
- Learn about what to expect during your immigration consultation, which documents to bring, how to advocate for yourself and your rights as a client.
- Free Intake, Free FOIA USCIS request (if necessary), Free Background Check
- Multiple Dates – Irvine Residents Only
October 2023
“How to Prepare for an Immigration Consultation”
- Learn about what to expect during your immigration consultation, which documents to bring, how to advocate for yourself and your rights as a client.
- Free Intake, Free FOIA USCIS request (if necessary), Free Background Check
- Multiple Dates – Irvine Residents Only
November 2023
Immigration Legal Clinic and Community Resource Fair
- Meet with licensed immigration attorneys or accredited representatives for a consultation and immigration benefit screening.
- Bring your immigration documentation and questions!
- It is recommended to have attended a previous “How to Prepare…” workshop, but it is not required.
- Community resource fair, learn about resources available to Irvine/South Orange County residents.
- Irvine Residents Only. By appointment only.
Register Online Here or
Call our Legal Clinic hotline to schedule an intake appointment:
(714) 202-2477
Got a question? Email us!